Episode 3: Surviving The Most Crowded Days in Disney Part 3 of 3
Episode 5: Magic Kingdom Munching

Episode 4: Duly Doing Disney Dining


Welcome, welcome, welcome to Episode 4 of Zipadee Doo Dah Disney. Episode 4 is titled Duly Doing Disney Dining where we take a look at how to pay for your food at Disney. We talk about sending food to your room and the Disney Dining Plan.  As always, thanks for listening and feel free to leave comments, rating, etc.

Let's Go On This Ride,


Episode 4: Duly Doing Disney Dining

  1. Intro: 0:00 - 2:13
  2. Bringing food into Disney World tips: 2:14 - 7:41
  3. Disney Dining Plan: 7:42 - 17:52
    1. Summary: 7:42 - 10:48
    2. Quick Service Plan: 10:49 - 12:29
    3. Disney Dining: 12:30 - 14:39
    4. Deluxe Dining: 14:40 - 16:30
    5. My LeCellier dinner story: 16:31 - 17:52
  4. Tables in Wonderland: 17:53 - 19:34
  5. Duly Doing Disney Dining wrap up: 19:35 - 22:41

List of Starbucks in Disney World

Contempo Cafe

Disney Food Blog My Go to for All Things Disney Food and More

Disney Dining Plans Descriptions, Rules, and Cost

Le Cellier Link

Flying Fish Pic



Zipadee Doo Dah Disney is a blog by Eric Frenchman and made with love for all my friends and family that have ever asked me about how to have a great time on a Disney World Trip.


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